Religious ironies abound

The thing I love is the irony.......and it's lost on them all. So the Pope quotes a 14c Byzantine Emperor saying that Islam is all about violence and destruction.
Irony number 1 - Muslims howl threats of violence in protest about being called violent..... ummmm....
Irony number 2 - at the same time as this Byzantine Emperor was speaking, the Catholic Church, under the order of the Pope, was BURNING people for being heretics.... just stop for 1 minute and think how it must feel to be burnt alive.... what the pain must be like... and all in the name of God. In 1209, near where we live, at Beziers, a crusade of 20,000 knights, summoned by the Pope, rampaged through Languedoc to seek out the heretics called Cathars. On July 22nd they stormed into the city of Beziers. The Abbott who was leading the crusade on behalf of Pope Innocence II, when asked how the knights would distinguish Cathars from the Christians, replied " kill them all - God will recognise his own". In 2 days the Catholic Host murdered over 20,000 men. women and children - all on the order of the Pope. What was that that the Pope was saying about violent Muslims?
Lets face it - religion has murdered more people than any other cause - including the industrial killing of Hitler and Stalin.
And it still continues..... Africa is being devastated by AIDS. The use of condoms stops the spread of AIDS. The Pope and his followers strictly forbid the use of contraceptives. Whole nations are dying because an old man in Rome is promoting some ancient superstition. It almost makes you want there to be an afterlife so that these guys can be punished for the suffering they cause on the human race.
Irony number 1 - Muslims howl threats of violence in protest about being called violent..... ummmm....
Irony number 2 - at the same time as this Byzantine Emperor was speaking, the Catholic Church, under the order of the Pope, was BURNING people for being heretics.... just stop for 1 minute and think how it must feel to be burnt alive.... what the pain must be like... and all in the name of God. In 1209, near where we live, at Beziers, a crusade of 20,000 knights, summoned by the Pope, rampaged through Languedoc to seek out the heretics called Cathars. On July 22nd they stormed into the city of Beziers. The Abbott who was leading the crusade on behalf of Pope Innocence II, when asked how the knights would distinguish Cathars from the Christians, replied " kill them all - God will recognise his own". In 2 days the Catholic Host murdered over 20,000 men. women and children - all on the order of the Pope. What was that that the Pope was saying about violent Muslims?
Lets face it - religion has murdered more people than any other cause - including the industrial killing of Hitler and Stalin.
And it still continues..... Africa is being devastated by AIDS. The use of condoms stops the spread of AIDS. The Pope and his followers strictly forbid the use of contraceptives. Whole nations are dying because an old man in Rome is promoting some ancient superstition. It almost makes you want there to be an afterlife so that these guys can be punished for the suffering they cause on the human race.