Quality, Quality, Top Gear TV

Why all the debate when the answer is already there? All this about "quality TV" v "Popular TV". Everyone seems to think they are mutulally exclusive. Life on Earth v Big Brother. Where is TV going? But they don't have to be mutually exclusive. You can be quality TV and you can by popular TV - at the same time.
Listen, just watch - I BEG YOU - just watch the programme that BBC 2 has just shown. It's alchemy - base turned to gold. I think every budding TV executive should be forced to watch this. No, not just watch it - have its script tattooed on the insides of their eyelids so that they see it every time they close their eyes. Every night, the last thing they see is this.... hopefully in big, multi-coloured, gothic letters -
Its alchemy. I'm proof. I hate cars. I'm gay. We don't have the car gene. I don't know the make of my car. It's red. I don't care if an audi nissan has a greater torque factor warp than a bmc shooting-break. Its not important.
But this programme is. It's not often I cry laughing. But this does it for me.
Pure magic.
And for all you gays out there - the little one's quiet do-able - they all feel the same size when they are lying down.
I BEG YOU - watch this programme. BBC and TV at its best. How to take a niche subject and make it SO entertaining that even gayboys will break away from their drugs and non-stop sex to watch it.
Btw - I chose the pic to appeal to an even smaller niche - those of you that fantasise about middle-aged men, men in uniforms, and whipped cream - don't thank me, its just my duty x
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