As you sow, so shall ye reap

One of the good things about having a blog is that, on those rare occassions when your letter to The Times is not printed, you can reproduce it here. So, here's my last letter to The Times.
Last week The Times covered 3 pages with a story about Christian Unions (the christian societies on university campuses) suing students unions. This is because the CUs dont comply with the SU's policies, especially their anti-discrimination policies (e.g the CUs wont let homosexuals attend their meetings). Here's my letter -
Last week The Times covered 3 pages with a story about Christian Unions (the christian societies on university campuses) suing students unions. This is because the CUs dont comply with the SU's policies, especially their anti-discrimination policies (e.g the CUs wont let homosexuals attend their meetings). Here's my letter -
"Christian Unions who are complaining that they are being prevented from following their religious beliefs on campus would deserve more sympathy if they were not so selective about which beliefs they choose to follow and which they ignore. For example, whilst the Bible clearly proscribes homosexuality – which the Christian Unions uphold – it also dictates that menstruating women should not be allowed within a mile of a temple and that a Christian woman who chooses to marry into a different religion should be stoned to death. I don’t think that the Christian Unions are actively seeking to uphold these particular Biblical teachings. In reality, selective religious belief has for too long been used as a cover for plain bigotry.
"And whilst everyone is free to hold their beliefs, small groups of Christian activists should not be surprised when our overwhelmingly secular society refuses to support their blatant attempts to avoid complying with basic human rights and anti-discrimination legislation."
There, that feels better. Lets keep fighting the good fight against all these horrible religions.
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